On Wednesday, October 25, the County Planning Commission is holding a work session regarding the East End Master Plan. Despite all objections and comments made to date, the County has been marching onward with major flaws still included in the plan. It will not be long before a vote to adopt occurs.
As a reminder, the Planning Commission is the final authority for adoption of the EEMP—a one-and-done. We also know that if the EEMP is passed in the current form, making necessary changes to it, or to the problematic 20 unit/acre CH Zone itself, will be very difficult.
The consequences of this high-density upzoning carte blanche (i.e., the CH Zone deemed as appropriate “anywhere”) affects any residential area categorized as low or medium density, including areas in or adjacent to San Bernardo, Ilium, Ski Ranches, West Meadows and next to Ophir, to name a few. The virtually unchallengeable high-density upzoning also allows irreversible consequences to the character of our beloved region. Whatever the motivation for the inclusion of the CH Zone in the EEMP, it is simply an ill-conceived plan.
This is especially relevant given the abundant opportunities for high-density workforce housing that exist near the Telluride town core. These “in town” opportunities (CLICK HERE FOR MORE) provide walking or easy bike commutes to the Town of Telluride. By contrast, areas for high-density housing facilitated by the EEMP add countless cars to a regional traffic situation that is already at a tipping point.
In another push to stop the reckless approval of this plan, we have three requests for those in our community who share our concern:
- PLEASE SIGN OUR OPPOSITION LETTER by clicking HERE. We have amassed more than 200 signatures to date, but we will continue to accept more until the 10/19 deadline to be “on the record” for the 10/25 work session. If you have already signed, there is no need to sign again.
- Even for those who have signed, we still need your help attaining more signatures from others. Since many community members have not signed up for these blasts, please pass our letter along to anyone you know who might share our concerns.
- Consider attending the 10/25 Planning Commission meeting at 4 p.m.—agenda and Zoom link HERE—and voice your opinion.
If you, or anyone, has issues with online signing, click HERE to download the letter and sign/return in your chosen manner. Or, feel free to contact us at info@lastdollarcollective.com and we will assist in any way we can, even if that means meeting in person with good old fashioned paper!
Also, as always, please feel free to reach out to info@lastdollarcollective.com with any questions or concerns. Some helpful links are provided below.