As we have mentioned in a previous blast, the County Planning Commission is holding a work session regarding the East End Master Plan tomorrow, WEDNESDAY, 10/25, at 4:00 PM.  The meeting will be conducted in person and via Zoom, and an agenda and Zoom link can be found by clicking HERE.

We cannot emphasize enough the importance of attending this meeting, but more importantly, voicing your opinion, even if just a short statement.

This meeting represents a critical crossroads where the Planning Commission will either slow down and thoughtfully consider the specific issues, ramifications and consequences at hand and “do the right thing”.  Or, they will march onward in the manner that has caused so many of us to speak out.  Our mission is to demonstrate that the will of the community is for them to do the former.

You may be interested in reading some of the letters your neighbors and fellow community members have written in advance of that session, and can do so by clicking below on the links.

Also, if you have not yet signed the petition letter the Last Dollar Collective has been issuing to the County on the subject of the CH Zone District being deemed applicable in any EEMP residential land use category, it is not too late and you can sign by clicking HERE.  If you have already signed, there is no need to sign again!

As always, we encourage you to reach out directly to, and appreciate your engagement and support regarding these important issues.