The County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) and Planning Commission (CPC) is holding a joint work session regarding the Land Use Code Community Housing Zone District (CH Zone) this WEDNESDAY 1/24, at 9:00 AM. The meeting will be conducted in person and via Zoom, and an agenda, Zoom link and meeting packet can be found by clicking here: 1/24 JOINT BOCC-CPC MEETING. 

Unlike previous meetings that featured discussions on the East End Master Plan (EEMP), this meeting will focus entirely on the CH Zone—the very problematic and controversial zone district that was adopted at the end of 2021 with no community input. It has since been proven that the content of the CH Zone was clandestinely influenced by an agenda of a few individuals for a particular property.

Unfortunately, the process that resulted in the current CH Zone did not come without region-wide ramifications and repercussions— ones that have spilled over to the EEMP process. But, with appreciation for a willingness by the BOCC and CPC to revisit the CH Zone, now is the time to provide our thoughts. More importantly, it is time to suggest constructive, intelligent, creative, win-win modifications to the Land Use Code (and EEMP) to help solve regional housing issues.

We cannot emphasize enough how important it is to attend this and any subsequent meetings regarding the CH Zone, and how important it is to voice your opinion – even if just a short statement stating a desire to repeal the CH Zone. The more folks who attend the meeting, the better, but whether or not you attend the meeting, we encourage you to write to the County.

Public comments can be submitted to, and if received by noon on Tuesday, January 23, will be forwarded to the BOCC and CPC. Any comments received after that time will not be passed to the Commissions. As always, we encourage you to reach out directly to, and appreciate your engagement regarding these important issues.