Late last week the agenda for the Thursday, June 8, 9:00 am County Planning Commission meeting was released. This will be a joint meeting with the East End Master Plan Advisory Group to discuss the East End Master Plan.
The agenda and memorandum includes a revised Future Land Use Map – a guiding graphic that identifies land use types, or broad categories that convey intended uses for land in the region (see page 27 of agenda packet). In this draft of the Future Land Use Map, it appears that specific properties are being targeted for dramatic changes to their land use types, as compared to the current Future Land Use Map. Such re-categorization has the potential to pave the way for unprecedented upzoning of land, with irreversible consequences to the region.
Since this is a rather complex subject, we encourage you to review this letter, which asks some specific questions we believe need to be properly answered. Of course, we always welcome you to reach out to with questions or for background information as well.
As the memo states: “The June 8 meeting provides an opportunity for the Planning Commission and Advisory Committee to guide the key next steps prior to document drafting”. Since the process continues to move at a rapid pace, please submit your comments/questions to the County, and please participate in the meeting. The agenda linked above has a Zoom link. It is very important that the Planning Commission and EEMP Advisory Group hear your thoughts on this.