It is widely known that the Last Dollar Collective’s efforts have mostly focused on land use, regulatory documents, and processes – and, yes, the Diamond Ridge fiasco. However, we’ve always had a broader mission, best expressed by our internal mission statement created at the beginning of our story. That mission statement from May 2022 can be seen HERE.

With this background, we are taking this opportunity to support the efforts of fellow Telluride community members who highlight a recurring theme: governmental overreach.  However, in this case, the overreach stems from what many feel is a complete disregard for ethical standards for some of our elected officials and/or civil servants (a.k.a. staff).

Please click HERE for a short video recently posted on social media that specifically highlights one instance of these ethical enigmas, or please click HERE for a Facebook post that provides more on the subject. With what we’ve been learning recently, and with our shared experiences on the front of ethics over the past couple of years (or more), we can’t help but ask the question:

Are questionable ethics the root problem here?

Acknowledging the very complex and many-layered onion we now face as a community – arguably catalyzed by the Diamond Ridge saga itself – the point of sharing this information is with the hope that you all can decide for yourself whether something is amuck at Rebekah (Town) Hall and beyond.

To help with that decision, this coming Monday, June 17, at 9:00am, there will be a special hearing of the Telluride Housing Authority to hear the second of two formal complaints filed with the Town, in this case, a complaint filed specifically against Council Person Dan Enright.  That complaint can be found HERE, but is also provided in links below.


If you believe ethical issues may impede our ability to solve housing issues, or if you just believe in the importance of ethics, we encourage you to follow and support the efforts of those who are sticking their necks out on the line. Or, if you have concerns for privacy or a natural tendency to be fearful of speaking publicly, please feel free to email us directly at, and we’d be happy to discuss it discretely.